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Below are JNR Consulting Service standard terms and conditions. It is vital that you (The Client) please take time to read through thoroughly and ensure you fully understand these terms and conditions and their implications before you commence any project with JNR Consulting Service. Please also note that from time to time JNR Consulting Service may need to alter these terms and conditions without notice. Please contact us if you do not understand any of the terms and conditions in this document.
Commencement of Work
Agreement to work with, and payment of deposit to JNR Consulting Service constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions.
Payment Terms
The Client” agrees to pay 50% deposit in addition to 100% of supplies upon commencement, with the balance payable upon completion. Once research, resources allocated or work has commenced on a project, this deposit is non-refundable. In the case of a change of mind by “The Client” this deposit is non-refundable. JNR Consulting Service endeavors to provide all services that meet and exceed a client’s needs and expectations, but in the event of a “change of mind” (after a project has commenced) by “The Client”, the initial 50% deposit is forfeited, plus a prorata payment based upon the time spent.
If the work time exceeds 2 calendar weeks in duration, “The Client “agrees to a progress payment of 50% of the balance per month until the conclusion of the project, with any outstanding amount payable in full upon delivery.
All accounts must be settled in full upon completion of a project. Accounts which are not paid COD (Cash on Delivery) will incur a late administration fee of $20. Accounts which remain outstanding for 14 days after the date of invoice will incur an additional late payment fee equivalent to 5% of the project costs for each week payment is outstanding. If you are having difficulty paying your invoice, please get in touch as soon as you are aware of the issue, so we can discuss a solution that works for your company.
JNR Consulting Service represents and warrants that (i) we own the Content posted within this website and/or it's social media pages or otherwise have the right to grant the rights and licenses set forth in these Terms of use via permission granted by our clients; (ii) the posting and use of our Content on or through this website and/or social media pages does not violate, misappropriate or infringe on the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights; (iii) we agree that we have paid for all royalties, fees, and any other monies owed by reason of Content we post on this website and/or it's social media pages; and (iv) we have the legal right and capacity to enter into these Terms of use.
Force Majeure
JNR Consulting Service shall not be liable for any failure or delay in supply or delivery of products/services where such failure or delay is wholly or partly due to any cause or circumstances whatsoever outside the reasonable control of JNR Consulting Service. Including but not limited to war, natural disasters, strikes, lockouts, industrial disputes or unrest, government restrictions or transport delays, fire, power outages, failure attributable to hosting suppliers, breakdown of plant, theft, vandalism, riots, civil commotions, accidents of any kind or act of terrorism.
Fees for Service
It is agreed that the fee for service shall be the cost estimates provided via email, unless work undertaken exceeds work outlined. If work undertaken exceeds the items specified in the quote, “The Client” agrees to pay appropriate fees for the excess work, outside the scope of the original agreement. Where ever possible the client will be notified of increases in the scope of the project.
Excess Work
This is defined as any work involving additions to the list of items defined in the Estimate of Services or changes after sign off by an authorized representative of “The Client”. A 20% Delivery fees may be added to items picked up by JNR Consulting Service. Delivery fees are non-refundable if the order or part of the order is returned unless the product is damaged or defective.
Liability & Litigation
It is agreed that all work and materials provided for “The Client” by “JNR Consulting Service” will be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and may be lawfully used by “The Client” without infringing upon the rights of others including, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any copyright trade secret patent or trade mark rights of any third party.
It is agreed that “JNR Consulting Service” indemnify and hold “The Client” harmless from and against all claims for injury or death to persons or damage to property (including cost of litigation and legal fees) caused by, arising from or incidental to the services to be performed during the performance of the work outlined, except any such claims which are caused by the negligence of “The Client” or its employees, and it is agreed that we shall notify “The Client” in writing of full details of any such claim.
Under no circumstances shall JNR Consulting Service be liable to “The Client” for an indirect or consequential loss suffered by “The Client” relying on the information included in the supplies prepared by JNR Consulting Service including (without limitation) loss of profit, loss of contracts or pure economic loss. Any liability is strictly limited to the direct losses associated with remedial costs of the supplies only, not to include claims for delays, out of sequence working, non-productive overtime, award of costs, etc. Liability to any third party for any reason is specifically excluded unless separately agreed in writing.
This proposal assumes goodwill from both JNR Consulting Service and “The Client” regarding:
• What can reasonably be achieved in a given time frame
• Making best use of resources to achieve the most effective outcomes
Termination Policy
From time to time circumstances beyond the control of either party may result in the need for project cancellation. In the event of the client cancelling a project after a project has commenced, the advance payment (deposit) will be forfeited in lieu of compensation to JNR Consulting Service. This is to cover administration time spent, resources purchased and allocated, research time and administration costs. If the project is more than 50% completed (this is determined by JNR Consulting Service and the client by negotiation) a prorata payment is payable for time spent up until cancellation notice, at an hourly rate of $150 per hour.
If a project is cancelled by JNR Consulting Service, due to unforeseen circumstances, the deposit will be refunded in full to the client in a timely manner.
It is agreed that employees of “JNR Consulting Service” shall not at any time either during the continuance of the work outlined or thereafter, except in the course of their duties, divulge any of the confidential affairs of “The Client” or any of its clients or associated companies to anyone whatsoever without the previous consent in writing of “The Client”.
Late Payments & Default
Accounts which are not paid within 15 days will incur a late administration fee of $20. Accounts which remain outstanding for 30 days after the date of invoice will incur an additional late payment fee equivalent to 5% of the project costs for each week payment is outstanding.
An account shall be considered in default if it remains unpaid for 30 days from the date of invoice or “the client” has stated expressly that they do not intend to pay an invoice by “JNR Consulting Service”, unless prior arrangements have been made. “JNR Consulting Service” shall at it’s sole discretion suspend any and all services provided to the client by “JNR Consulting Service” or it’s subsidiaries and employ debt collection measures until the total outstanding balance has been fully paid. Suspension of such services does not relieve the client of it’s obligation to pay the due amount.
“The Client” whose account is in default agree to pay “JNR Consulting Service” reasonable legal expenses and third party collection agency fees in the enforcement of these Terms and Conditions.
Amendments to these Terms and Conditions
All and any amendments to the terms and conditions outlined in this submission must be provided in writing by “The Client” and signed by an authorized representative of “JNR Consulting Service” prior to the commencement of work outlined in this submission.
Contractors and Confidentiality
All contractors employed by “JNR Consulting Service” are held to a strict confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement. Contractors of “JNR Consulting Service” are also bound by a strictly enforced non-solicitation agreement for a period of 36 months after the conclusion of their work with “JNR Consulting Service”. If this was to be breached by the contractor “JNR Consulting Service” will take swift and reparatory measures to ensure “The Client” is made aware that the contractor in question is no longer a representative of “JNR Consulting Service” and acting independently.
Furthermore the unlawful contractor will be prosecuted through legal channels to the full extent of the law in such cases.
“JNR Consulting Service” aims for complete security of our clients and if we select contractors it is based upon previous work, references, and global checks with previous employers, as well as compliance with strict “JNR Consulting Service” guidelines of professional behaviour and ethics.
All information contained in this website is intended for general information purposes only. The information is provided by JNR Consulting Service. We try to keep the information up-to-date and ensure that it is correct, however, we make no warranties of any kind concerning the accuracy, completeness, suitability, reliability, or availability of the information contained in this website, or any products, services, links, or graphics that may be found on this website. Use this information at your own risk. JNR Consulting Service will not be held liable for any loss or damage, or loss of data from your use of this website, or in connection with this website. This includes indirect or consequential loss or damage. JNR Consulting Service has no control over websites that are linked to on this website.
Those third party websites are under the control of their owners, and JNR Consulting Service will not be held liable for your use of those websites. By linking to these sites, we are not endorsing or recommending any information or views expressed in the content on those sites.

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